Búri cave
Búri cave is without doubt one of the world´s most impressive lava tubes.
It would not be stretching a point too far to say that this magnificent 5000 year old cave is the mother of all (known) lave tubes in Iceland. In fact, Búri cave is probably one of the world´s most impressive lava tubes.
It has everything one can hope to find in these wonders of nature and more – as such it is the cave explorer´s dream. This is to say nothing about the cave´s stunning beauty and breath-taking vistas – yes, vistas inside a cave!
At almost 1km long and with chambers over 10m wide and 10m high, the sheer size of Búri offers a lava tube experience like no other. Penetrating deeper into the cave one is introduced to a variety of halls, each exhibiting more awe-inspiring other-worldly underground landscape than the next.
While Búri is among the world´s largest known lava tubes, it is narrow in places and can be a little tricky to traverse. Exploration of this cave is therefore only suitable for those who are both reasonably fit and comfortable in confined spaces.
To those who dare Búri offers the caving experience of a life time!